I fell in love with aviation as soon as I took the controls, eased the plane off the ground, and into the sky

Many of the skills that I have developed to make me a better editor and producer, have also made me a better pilot

l. Effective Communication

Aviation and Creative Marketing rely on clear and concise communication to ensure smooth operations and prevent misunderstandings

Whether talking to an air-traffic controller in the cockpit or working on a team in the office, communication is key to enhancing collaboration and improving overall efficiency

ll. Decision-Making Under Pressure

In aviation, you’re trained to make critical decisions under pressure should the need arise

Likewise, with potential pivots in direction and tight-turnarounds on a campaign, it’s important to stay calm and focused during these intense situations to solve problems and make informed decisions

lll. Attention to Detail

When flying at high speeds, thousands of feet above the ground, it’s important to have a meticulous attention to detail to ensure safety for myself and my passengers

As an editor and a producer, this skill is also crucial in preventing errors and improving quality, while enhancing overall performance

lV. Adaptibility / Creativity

In the air, I may need to adapt to changing weather conditions, increased air traffic, or unforseen mechanical issues

On the ground, as the needs of a campaign change, I need to be able to think innovatively to generate new ideas and approach an array of challenges from different perspectives.